The national identity of the party „Der Dritte Weg“ (The Third Way)

Ten Point Program - THE THIRD WAY

  • 1. Creation of a German socialism

    The aim of the party Der Dritte Weg is the creation of a German socialism far away from exploitative capitalism as well as egalitarian communism.

  • 2. National economy (territorial)

    The aim of the party Der Dritte Weg is the nationalisation of all key industries, public services and welfare, banks, assurances and large companies. For the restoration of self-sufficiency with basic foods, it is necessary to fund self-reliant economies of individual – and family businesses and, especially agricultural holdings.

  • 3. German children is what the country needs

    The basics of the population policy of the party Der Dritte Weg is the rigorous funding of families with many children to prevent an imminent extinction of the German people. The party Der Dritte Weg demands the introduction of death penalty for child murder and other capital crimes.

  • 4. Preserving our homeland

    To preserve the national identity of the German people, the foreign domination of Germany and the constant abuse of asylum procedures have to be stopped immediately. Criminal and long-term unemployed foreigners have to be deported step by step.

  • 5. Strengthening of civil rights and freedom

    The party Der Dritte Weg determinedly fights the increasing observation and restriction of the citizen´s privacy and public freedom. Ethos paragraphs of the criminal code and surveillance powers of the government need to be deleted without substitution.

  • 6. Social equity for all Germans

    Each German has the right of personal property, free practice of religion, the right of housing, medical care, the right of training and development, culture and sparetime, pension scheme and the right as well as duty to work. Therefor, the party Der Dritte Weg claims the introduction of a statutory minimum wage.

  • 7. Environment protection is protection of (cultural/national) heritage

    The aim of the party Der Dritte Weg is the creation, respectively the restoration of a livable environment, health promotion and the preservation and development of the biological substance of the German people.

  • 8. No German blood for foreign interests

    The party Der Dritte Weg rejects the deployment and maintenance of foreign military bases on German territory. The involvement of the army in wars out of area is completely excluded. The aim of the party Der Dritte Weg is for the withdrawal from NATO.

  • 9. Creation of an European Confederation

    The aim of the party Der Dritte Weg is for the withdrawal from the European Union (EU) and the creation of an European Confederation based on the European cultures and as well the common history and is supported by the will and the sovereignty of the European peoples.

  • 10. Germany is bigger than the FRG (Federal Republic of Germany)

    The aim of the party Der Dritte Weg is the peaceful restoration of Great Germany with its original frontiers according to international law.

The national identity of the party „Der Dritte Weg“ (The Third Way)


The party „Der Dritte Weg“ (The Third Way) aims to be national, revolutionary and socialist. As only these three terms combined form a holistic effect that unites the political, social and mental life to a synthesis, which is the basis for a useful and essential social order of the German people. Our identity, the identity of each member of our party, is characterised national and socialist. And is manifested in revolutionary acting, in each area of social life.

Therefor, the realpolitic demands of the party „Der Dritte Weg“ are:

  • We are NATIONAL

    Because a renewal of our nation, the implementation of national objectives, can only be achieved on a national level. National objectives, from a political and cultural point, are efforts to secure the survival of our nation as a physical (natural law) community.


    Because this regeneration of social life can only be achieved by and for our people as a total mental regeneration of political thinking is marching in. In this case, revolutionary is, that we want to target a total new direction, political and cultural. Our will sees the German people as the focal point of life and wants to overcome international and capitalist ideologies towards a progressive, socialist and national state. The revolutionary aspect is the total renewal on all areas of national life. We regard our ideology as a whole.

  • We are SOCIALIST

    Because we aspire a fair social order within our people. A social order, that considers the people as a community, in which everybody has to fulfil his role in the sense of the whole nation. According to this, our motto can only be: From I to WE!

    But we are also aware that the value of personality is an essential part for the community. Therefore we do not want to oppress the personality of the individual by standardising everything or make everything the same like it was in communism. But we want to promote and encourage the personality of each one in order to reach the highest creative power for the whole nation.
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